Appointments and Cancellations
If you are unable to attend your appointment, we require 24 hours notice in order to reallocate your appointment to another client. Failure to give the required notice may result in your being charged a cancellation fee. If you fail to attend an appointment without giving due notice, we may charge a cancellation fee and require you to pay for all future treatments in advance. Clients who have pre-purchased a course of treatment may forfeit one of the treatments.
Late arrival may result in reduced treatment time or forfeiting of the appointment. Moonlight Garden Beauty will endeavour to ensure that your appointment runs on time; however, for reasons beyond our control, we may need to cancel or postpone your appointment at short notice. In this unlikely event, we will make every effort to contact you in advance. We do not offer compensation if we cancel your appointment.
Prior to your appointment, we will inform you of any preparation required in advance of your treatment. Failure to comply may result in cancellation of your appointment, reduced treatment time, or additional fees being charged.
Cancellation Fee
The treatments you select are reserved especially for you with one of our professional therapists. We require 48 hours notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment. Failure to do so, we reserve the right to retain in full your deposit to recover our costs.
Medical Information
Please advise your therapist prior to your treatment if you are either pregnant, have any skin disorders or infections, are on medication or undergoing medical treatment. Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of your appointment.
Missed Appointments
In case of no show for your booked appointment(s), we reserve the right to retain in full your deposit to recover our costs.
Late Arrivals
Please note that if you are late for an appointment the treatment will be reduced proportionately with no adjustment to the price. We suggest that you try to arrive 10 minutes before your appointment.
Payments for treatment are required either in advance or on the day of treatment. We are unable to offer credit facilities. All major credit cards are accepted.
A deposit of approximately 25% of the treatment value will be required for all treatments.
All courses are non-transferable and non-refundable.
For health and safety reasons we are not permitted to allow children into the treatment areas. We respectfully request, out of consideration to other clients, that children are not brought into the salon.